Tuesday 22 July 2014

Hard-on for War?

 A number of years ago, my sisters and I were sailing in the Virgin Islands – bare boat style. I swam in to the shore to do my exercises, carefully cradling my towel over my head. I picked a shaded portion of the beach overhung with branches and unobtrusive to most passers-by.

Sometime during the forty minutes, I heard a clearing of the throat and then humming. Following the sound, I saw a big pink belly on a large balding white man. He was looking out to sea, one fat little hand shading his eyes, the other resting in a fat fold over his thigh. He looked extraordinarily pleased with himself.

He was nude and deep among his fat folds, it was obvious that he had a hard-on.

Men can do this. They can have hard-ons. They have a part of their body that enlarges several times greater than at rest.

Women cannot do this – sure our nipples get hard and pointy and we can get warm in the crotch, wet even – but visible engorgement is limited to nursing mothers.

As we puzzle over the existence of war – the purchase of bigger and bigger killing machines – often shaped like penises, should we be considering the “hard-on” and how it affects our male partners?

War is not integral to the human race. We are soft, easy prey for carnivores. We developed in family groups and tribes working cooperatively for survival. We have enormous empathy – studies show that even babies empathize! Our needs are met when we cared for, nurtured for the first years and then allowed to explore the world safely and independently.

We have to be taught to kill other people (aside from the few psychopaths or sociopaths to whom it comes natural); the military spends millions of dollars creating and using desensitization techniques. Governments in turn spend great sums of money churning out their rational for weapons and armies and promotion of the necessity of wars. The poor kids – never the wealthy - get to go and kill or be killed on someone else’s land. Generals often retire in their fifties, could it be that if they stay any longer they gain perspective and lose blood lust?

Meanwhile the rich get richer.

Does it all come down to whether or not you can get a hard-on and what you turn to if you can’t?


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